Data Folders


Over the years, data has become a key word in education.  I was lucky enough to attend training regarding data in my district and to pilot the Continuous Improvement Model in my classroom.  I have loved the addition of it to my classroom!  However, as with anything you have to make it your own.  The more I used data and data folders the more I realized that the data was often unclear or hard for children to understand.  So, I decided to try and devise a way to help my kiddos understand the data.

I decided to start using an alternative method to graphs and charts for my kinders and my first grades (when I taught first).  I began having kids color in skills they know rather than filling in graphs.  This has greatly changed the way I used data!

I now use my data folders to drive my small groups for Daily 5 and to drive my mini lessons and other assessments.  What's more is that my kiddos set goals of and I can clearly tell parents what concepts to work with them on. I am looking to add more this next year, but below you will find what I currently use.

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